Sunday, February 17, 2008

Installed wordpress

Fairly painless, but like I said to Tristan, not a bad idea to mention that you can only install apture for a wordpress blog you're managing yourself, not the hosted solution offers. That's why I was coming to grief.

So, with no further ado, I'll mention today's servings of bugs...(frowny face)

1) The add link at the end of paragraph deal is shaky in ie. Either it just doesn't give it to me, or it takes ages and I get the bug below...

2) Even when bloggers turned off, I still got an option to add links at the end of a paragraph. To the title of the blog no less! I'm not sure if this is a standard feature, but I think links in the title of the blog might be a little weird.

Oh, and the highlighted sections don't turn off sometimes.

3) Just in general, ie cries when apture is turned on. I get the script error warning at the bottom of the status bar.

Here's are the lines of code in question (in this, it's the fifth line, I believe, oh and used parentheses, because blogger doesn't convert code in the compose view so it actually displays. Hmphff):

(span class="'fn'")Kweku(/span)

(span class="'post-timestamp'")
(a class="'timestamp-link'" href="''" rel="'bookmark'" title="'permanent")(abbr class="'published'" title="'2008-02-12T17:03:00-08:00'")5:03 PM(/abbr)(/a)

And some weird cancel icons stay on the page after you closed it.

In general, I was getting the most of the above bugs when apture editing this very blog in ie, so it might have something to do with the quantity of text that apture is dealing with on this page.

4) Final observations:

I think including the script code in the wiki installation instructions could be cool. Either that or linking from the blog to the place where the code is hidden.

Oh, and pretty please can we have a search option in the add links panel? That would be soo cool, though strictly speaking not really necessary. But I wanted to go and search for links that didn't come up in the media options, and would have been cooler if I didnt' have to open a side tab and google the right terms...

And btw, I think in my first meaningful post in the wordpress blog, I'll have to admit that even though I only got two links in, I was having real fun doing so, and wanted to do more before ie tanked. Despite the kinks that come up once in a bit, I think you guys have a stellar interface going here.

hrs: 10:50-12:40 + 7:45-8:15

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