Thursday, February 14, 2008

Assorted UI Suggestions, part 4

Sorry for yesterday's break in transmission - but we're back today.

Here are a bunch of random UI suggestions I have. I hope you don't mind if I'm being too nitpicky, but I figure the more the merrier, and you guys can always ignore the not-so-helpful ones when you come across them....


I'm not sure Tristan got exactly what I meant by allowing users a delete site option, so I drew a picture of it below:

I figure once one clicks on the delete, uninstallation instructions come up, samples of which I will write up for your later perusal.

Extended Installation Guide

I think adding more directions, some pictures, and breaking everything down into a step-by-step fool-proof process would help. So in the image below you'll come across some of my suggestions.

And then finally,

A couple suggestions about the editing page

The enlarged image below should be self-explanatory, but feel free to leave comments and I'll be happy to go into more depth.


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